Please click on the artist on the navigation bar to see what tours are listed. Then click the tour you would like to
view and you can see tour dates, facts about the tour, the set-list, and photos.
July 13, 2004: I know you all are waiting for what happens next with Tour Dates 101, so here it is! The site is going
to go for a whole new look with just more than Tour Dates. You'll get all the lastest news on all of the 72 artists featured
on this website, you'll get CD Reviews, Concert Reviews, and of course TOUR DATES!
October 2, 2004: I know the front page doesn't always change when the site has been updated, but I update the site on
a daily basis. Just to let you all know that TOUR DATES 101 is still going to be getting a completely new layout in the next
couple weeks!
Last updated: October 2, 2004